ds2mdd | Convert DynaSim data structure to xp format |
dsAll2mdd | |
dsAnalyzeStudy | dsAnalyzeStudy - Apply an analysis function to DynaSim data, optionally saving data |
dsApplyModifications | APPLYMODIFICATIONS - Apply modifications to DynaSim specification or model structure |
dsAutoMergeVarieds | [data_new, variedname_merged, varied_vals ] = mergeVarieds(data,varied_fields) |
dsCalcACF | CALCACF - Calculate the autocorrelation function. |
dsCalcAverages | CALCAVERAGES - Average fields in a DynaSim data struct across neurons |
dsCalcCellProperties | CALCCELLPROPERTIES - calculates the intrinsic electrophysiological properties of all cells in one or more populations |
dsCalcCurrentPosthoc | data = calcCurrentPosthoc(data, mechanism_prefix, current_equation, additional_fields, additional_constants, current_suffix, varargin) |
dsCalcFR | CALCFR - Calculate firing rage for DynaSim data |
dsCalcFRmulti | CALCFRMULTI - extends dsCalcFR to get SUA and MUA firing rates |
dsCalcISI | CALCISI - Calculate the interspike interval. |
dsCalcPower | CALCPOWER - Compute spectral analysis of DynaSim data |
dsCalcSpikeSync | CALCSPIKESYNC - Compute spike synchronization between spiketrains |
dsCalcSumOverFields | CALCSUMOVERFIELDS - Creates a new field in data that is the sum of a bunch of other fields |
dsCheckCovary | CHECKCOVARY - TODO I assume this checks if any varied parameters are covaried? |
dsCheckCovaryWrapper | Calls checkCovary and handles all the set up automagically. |
dsCheckData | CHECKDATA - Standardize data structure and auto-populate missing fields |
dsCheckHostPaths | CHECKHOSTPATHS - Compare paths on host to those set in studyinfo when batch was created |
dsCheckModel | CHECKMODEL - Standardize model structure and auto-populate missing fields |
dsCheckOptions | CHECKOPTIONS - organize key/value pairs in structure with default or user-supplied values according to a schema |
dsCheckSolverOptions | CHECKSOLVEROPTIONS - standardize simulation options appended to params.mat |
dsCheckSpecification | CHECKSPECIFICATION - standardize specification structure and auto-populate missing fields |
dsCheckStudyinfo | CHECKSTUDYINFO - Standardize studyinfo structure and auto-populate missing fields |
dsCheckVersion | % dsCheckVersion - checks dynasim version against github |
dsClassifyEquation | CLASSIFYEQUATION - use regular expressions to classify model expressions in STRING |
dsCollectVariedParams | COLLECTVARIEDPARAMS - Gathers info on parameters that have been varied in a batch |
dsCombineModels | COMBINEMODELS - combine subfields in two DynaSim model structures |
dsCompareSolveFiles | COMPARESOLVEFILES - look for an equivalent file in same directory |
dsComputeRaster | dsComputeRaster - Use a threshold to find spiketrain for a voltage trace |
dsCreateBatch | CREATEBATCH - create and submit jobs to run sets of simulations or analyses. |
dsCropData | CROPDATA - Crops DynaSim data structre |
dsData2Table | Converts DynaSim structure to 1D cell array format. Later can use to |
dsDataField2Table | Converts DynaSim structure to 1D cell array format. Later can use to |
dsDecimateData | DOWNSAMPLEDATA - Downsamples DynaSim data structre data |
dsDownloadFiles | dsDownloadFiles - Downloads data from the web (utility function) |
dsDynasim2odefun | Purpose: prepare ODEFUN for use with built-in Matlab solvers. |
dsEditModelFiles | |
dsExportData | EXPORTDATA - export DynaSim data structure in various formats. |
dsGenerateDocumentation | GENERATEDOCUMENTATION - Build DynaSim function documentation |
dsGenerateModel | GENERATEMODEL - Parse DynaSim specification and organize model data in DynaSim model structure |
dsGetConfig | GETCONFIG - returns the value of the variable specificed as string in argument |
dsGetLinearIndependentDs | [Asubs, Abasis, Abasisi] = getLinearIndependentDs(data,ignore_constant_shift,varargin) |
dsGetNamespaces | Purpose: retrieve namespaces for all objects in specification |
dsGetOutputCounts | GETOUTPUTCOUNTS - determine how many copies of each state variable and monitor will be produced by simulating the model. |
dsGetParentNamespace | GETPARENTNAMESPACE - determine parent namespace from namespace specified in namespace |
dsGetPopSizeFromName | Purpose: reverse engineer the appropriate population size from the name |
dsGetRootPath | getRootPath - get path to main ds directory |
dsGetSolveFile | GETSOLVEFILE - helper function that creates or retrieves the desired solver file. |
dsGet_populations_from_meta | |
dsGet_variables_from_meta | |
dsImg2mdd | |
dsImportCSV | IMPORTCSV - load CSV data into DynaSim formatted data structure. |
dsImportModel | IMPORTMODEL - import model from raw equations, other program source, etc. |
dsImportPlots | IMPORTPLOTS - load info about saved images (generated by SimulateMode or dsAnalyze) alongwith corresponding varied model components. |
dsImportResults | IMPORTRESULTS - Import analysis result of a simulation |
dsIndexToBlocks | INDEXTOBLOCKS - TODO unclear what this does |
dsIsDevMode | check if _dev directory exists in main dynasim directory |
dsLocateModelFiles | LOCATEMODELFILES - locate mechanism files associated with DynaSim specifications. |
dsMakeDefaultConfig | dsMakeDefaultConfig - write default DS config vars to disk as text file in main DS dir. |
dsMakeDefaultConfigJenkins | dsMakeDefaultConfig - write default DS config vars to disk as text file in main DS dir. |
dsMdd2ds | % data=MDD2ds(obj,varargin) |
dsMdd2dsImage | % data=MDD2ds(obj,varargin) |
dsMergeData | MERGEDATA - Merge two Dynasim structures created from different simulations |
dsMergeVarieds | [data_new, variedname_merged, varied_vals ] = mergeVarieds(data,varied_fields) |
dsModifications2Vary | Adds fields tmpdata.varied and tmpdata.(varied{1}) ... |
dsMonitorStudy | MONITORSTUDY - display information on study progress. |
dsNameFromVaried | NAMEFROMVARIED - makes a filename based on the parameters in data.varied. |
dsOptions2Keyval | OPTIONS2KEYVAL - Convert from options structure to a list of key/value pairs. |
dsParseModelEquations | PARSEMODELEQUATIONS - parse equations and organize model data in DynaSim model structure |
dsPlot2D | Purpose: display movie of 2D simulated data. |
dsPlotFR | PLOTFR - plot spike rates in various ways depending on what data was provided. |
dsPlotFR2 | PLOTFR2 - plot spike rates in various ways depending on what data was provided. |
dsPlotStudy | PLOTSTUDY - Applies a user-specified plotting function to each element of data structure. |
dsPlotWaveforms | PLOTWAVEFORMS - plot waveforms in various ways depending on what data was provided. |
dsPrepareMEX | PREPAREMEX - take an m-file path and compile it using the Matlab coder. |
dsProbeCellProperties | data = dsProbeCellProperties(model,'option1',option1,...) |
dsProbeFI | % data=dsProbeFI(model,varargin) |
dsPropagateFunctions | PROPAGATEFUNCTIONS - eliminate internal function calls from model ODEs, ICs, monitors, and conditionals. |
dsPropagateNamespaces | PROPAGATENAMESPACES - namespace-establishing namespace substitutions. |
dsPropagateParameters | PROPAGATEPARAMETERS - substitute parameter values or prepend parameter names with prefix across all model equations. |
dsReadText | Purpose: read equations for DynaSim model from .mech, .eqns, or .m file. |
dsRearrangeStudies2Neurons | REARRANGESTUDIES2NEURONS - Takes a DynaSim data structure that is the result of a parameter sweep and rearranges it into a single (1D) data structure. |
dsRemoveKeyval | REMOVEKEYVAL - remove keys from keyvals_in. |
dsSelectVariables | SELECTVARIABLES - determine what variables to plot |
dsSetupStudy | SETUPSTUDY - Initialize DynaSim studyinfo structure, prepare list of output file names, and create output directories |
dsSpecdiff | dsSpecDiff - Scans two DynaSim specs for differences |
dsStrrep | STRREP - replace full words by new character strings, ignoring matches that appear as sub-strings. |
dsStrrep2 | STRREP2 - replace full words by new character strings, WITHOUT ignoring matches that appear as sub-strings. |
dsStudyinfoIO | STUDYINFOIO - use lock files to manage concurrent access to a shared studyinfo |
dsThevEquiv | Calculates the Th�venin equivalent voltage and conductance for a |
dsUnzipDemoData | dsUnzipDemoData - Unzips demo data (utility function) |
dsUpdateStudy | UPDATESTUDY - helper function to keep track of study metadata when anything is saved |
dsVary2Modifications | VARY2MODIFICATIONS - convert specification of things to vary into a set of modifications indicating how to vary the desired things. |
dsWriteDynaSimSolver | WRITEDYNASIMSOLVER - write m-file that numerically inteegrates the model |
dsWriteMatlabSolver | WRITEMATLABSOLVER - write m-file that numerically integrates the model |
dsZipDemoData | ZIPDEMODATA - Zips demo data (utility function) |