Home > functions > internal > dsGetOutputCounts.m



GETOUTPUTCOUNTS - determine how many copies of each state variable and monitor will be produced by simulating the model.


function [state_var_counts,monitor_counts] = dsGetOutputCounts(model)


GETOUTPUTCOUNTS - determine how many copies of each state variable and monitor will be produced by simulating the model.

 Author: Jason Sherfey, PhD <jssherfey@gmail.com>
 Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Sherfey, Boston University, USA


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [state_var_counts,monitor_counts] = dsGetOutputCounts(model)
0002 %GETOUTPUTCOUNTS - determine how many copies of each state variable and monitor will be produced by simulating the model.
0003 %
0004 % Usage:
0005 %   [state_var_counts,monitor_counts]=dsGetOutputCounts(model)
0006 %
0007 % Author: Jason Sherfey, PhD <jssherfey@gmail.com>
0008 % Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Sherfey, Boston University, USA
0010 state_var_counts=0;
0011 if ~isempty(model.state_variables)
0012   state_var_counts=zeros(1,length(model.state_variables));
0013   for i=1:length(model.state_variables)
0014     state_var_counts(i)=dsGetPopSizeFromName(model,model.state_variables{i});
0015 %     parts=regexp(model.state_variables{i},'_','split');
0016 %     if numel(parts)==4 % has connection mechanism namespace: target_source_mechanism
0017 %       % state variables defined in connection mechanisms are assumed to
0018 %       % have dimensionality of the source population
0019 %       part=parts{2};
0020 %     else % has intrinsic mechanism or population namespace: target_mechanism
0021 %       % state variables defined in intrinsic mechanisms or population
0022 %       % equations have dimensionality of the target population
0023 %       part=parts{1};
0024 %     end
0025 %     state_var_counts(i)=model.parameters.([part '_Npop']);
0026   end
0027 end
0028 monitor_counts=0;
0029 if ~isempty(model.monitors)
0030   monitor_names=fieldnames(model.monitors);
0031   monitor_counts=zeros(1,length(monitor_names));
0032   for i=1:length(monitor_names)
0033     [~,~,target]=dsGetPopSizeFromName(model,monitor_names{i});
0034     monitor_counts(i)=model.parameters.([target '_Npop']);
0035 %     parts=regexp(monitor_names{i},'_','split');
0036 %     monitor_counts(i)=model.parameters.([parts{1} '_Npop']);
0037   end
0038 end

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