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COMPARESOLVEFILES - look for an equivalent file in same directory


function solve_file_m = dsCompareSolveFiles(solve_file_m,mexPath,verbose_flag)


COMPARESOLVEFILES - look for an equivalent file in same directory

  - Step 1: compare to other *.m in /solve/
  - Step 2: if match: remove(solve_file); solve_file=match;
 If mexPath is specified, then will do a comparison to other files
 in the mexPath, as opposed to the current solve folder

 See also: dsGetSolveFile, dsSimulate, dsCreateBatch

 % Example code for testing mex_dir options:
   's=10; r=27; b=2.666'
 data=dsSimulate(eqns, 'tspan',[0 100], 'ic',[1 2 .5],'verbose',1, 'solver','rk4', 'study_dir','demo_lorenz','compile_flag',1,'mex_dir_flag',0,'mex_dir',[]);
 data=dsSimulate(eqns, 'tspan',[0 100], 'ic',[1 2 .5],'verbose',1, 'solver','rk4', 'study_dir','demo_lorenz','compile_flag',1,'mex_dir_flag',1,'mex_dir',[]);
 data=dsSimulate(eqns, 'tspan',[0 100], 'ic',[1 2 .5],'verbose',1, 'solver','rk4', 'study_dir','demo_lorenz','compile_flag',1,'mex_dir_flag',1,'mex_dir','mexes_temp');

 Author: Jason Sherfey, PhD <jssherfey@gmail.com>
 Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Sherfey, Boston University, USA


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function solve_file_m = dsCompareSolveFiles(solve_file_m,mexPath,verbose_flag)
0002 %COMPARESOLVEFILES - look for an equivalent file in same directory
0003 %
0004 %  - Step 1: compare to other *.m in /solve/
0005 %  - Step 2: if match: remove(solve_file); solve_file=match;
0006 %
0007 % If mexPath is specified, then will do a comparison to other files
0008 % in the mexPath, as opposed to the current solve folder
0009 %
0010 % See also: dsGetSolveFile, dsSimulate, dsCreateBatch
0011 %
0012 % % Example code for testing mex_dir options:
0013 % eqns={
0014 %   's=10; r=27; b=2.666'
0015 %   'dx/dt=s*(y-x)'
0016 %   'dy/dt=r*x-y-x*z'
0017 %   'dz/dt=-b*z+x*y'
0018 % };
0019 % data=dsSimulate(eqns, 'tspan',[0 100], 'ic',[1 2 .5],'verbose',1, 'solver','rk4', 'study_dir','demo_lorenz','compile_flag',1,'mex_dir_flag',0,'mex_dir',[]);
0020 % data=dsSimulate(eqns, 'tspan',[0 100], 'ic',[1 2 .5],'verbose',1, 'solver','rk4', 'study_dir','demo_lorenz','compile_flag',1,'mex_dir_flag',1,'mex_dir',[]);
0021 % data=dsSimulate(eqns, 'tspan',[0 100], 'ic',[1 2 .5],'verbose',1, 'solver','rk4', 'study_dir','demo_lorenz','compile_flag',1,'mex_dir_flag',1,'mex_dir','mexes_temp');
0022 %
0023 % Author: Jason Sherfey, PhD <jssherfey@gmail.com>
0024 % Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Sherfey, Boston University, USA
0026 [solvePath,fname,fext]=fileparts(solve_file_m);
0028 if nargin < 2
0029     mexPath = solvePath;
0030 end
0032 if nargin < 3
0033     verbose_flag = false;
0034 end
0036 % get list of files in where solve_file is located
0037 D=dir(mexPath);
0038 files={D(~[D.isdir]).name};
0039 files=files(cellfun(@any,regexp(files,'.m$')));
0040 files=setdiff(files,[fname fext]);
0042 % compare solve_file_m to each file
0043 for f=1:length(files)
0044   [~,diffs] = system(['diff ' solve_file_m ' ' fullfile(mexPath,files{f})]);
0045   if isempty(diffs)
0046     %dbstack
0047     old_solve_file_m=solve_file_m;
0048     delete(old_solve_file_m);
0050     if ~strcmp(mexPath,solvePath)
0051         % Copy mex file and solve file from mexPath into solve path
0052         copyfile(fullfile(mexPath,files{f}),solvePath);
0053         [~,fname] = fileparts(files{f});
0054         if ~isempty(dir(fullfile(mexPath,[fname '_mex*'])))
0055             copyfile(fullfile(mexPath,[fname '_mex*']),solvePath);
0056             if verbose_flag
0057                 fprintf(['Copying mex file from ' fullfile(mexPath,[fname '_mex*']) ' to ' solvePath]);
0058             end
0059         end
0060     end
0062     solve_file_m=fullfile(solvePath,files{f});
0063     break;
0064   end
0065 end
0066 end

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