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DSSELECT - select subset of data


function data = dsSelect(data,varargin)


DSSELECT -  select subset of data

 Limitation: dsSelect currently supports returning value ranges but not
 non-numeric model components (e.g., mechanism_list modifications).


   - data: DNSim data structure (see dsSimulate)
   - options:
     'time_limits': in units of data.time {[beg,end]}
     'varied': specification of search space subset to retrieve (see NOTE 1)

 - NOTE 1: 'varied' can be specified in two ways:
   - Method 1: a way similar to 'vary' in dsSimulate and
     dsVary2Modifications. However, instead of indicating values for a variable to
     take, 'varied' involves the specification of a range of values. Syntax:
     vary={object, variable, [low,high]; ...}, where low is the lower bound on
     the range varied and high is the upper bound for the component varied. For
     instance, if 'gNa' in population 'E' was varied 0:.1:1 by setting 'vary' to
     {'E','gNa',0:.1:1}, then to select the subset of gNa values between .3 and
     .5, set 'varied' to {'E','gNa',[.3 .5]}.
   - Method 2: 'varied' can be specified using the resulting component name
     stored in data.varied. e.g., {'E_iNa_gNa',[.3 .5]}.

 - NOTE 2: if 'varied' values are requested and not a two-element array (e.g.,
   [.3 .5]), then return all matching values.

   % return simulated data from 20-80ms
   data=dsSelect(data,'time_limits',[20 80]);
   % return data sets with gNa set between .3 and .5
   data=dsSelect(data,'varied',{'E','gNa',[.3 .5]});
   data=dsSelect(data,'time_limits',[20 80],'varied',{'E','gNa',[.3 .5]});
   data=dsSelect(data,'roi',{'E_v',[1 4]});

   - Specify subsets to return in terms of ROIs: {'E',1:50;'I',1:10,'F',[]}
     (exclude F) (default all cells for any pops not specified in ROIs).
   - Possible format for specifying range_varied:
     {'E','gNa',[.1 .3]; 'I->E','tauI',[15 25]; 'I','mechanism_list','+iM'}

 See also: dsSimulate, dsVary2Modifications, dsImport

 Author: Jason Sherfey, PhD <jssherfey@gmail.com>
 Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Sherfey, Boston University, USA


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function data = dsSelect(data,varargin)
0002 %DSSELECT -  select subset of data
0003 %
0004 % Limitation: dsSelect currently supports returning value ranges but not
0005 % non-numeric model components (e.g., mechanism_list modifications).
0006 %
0007 % Usage:
0008 %   data=dsSelect(data,'option',value)
0009 %
0010 % Inputs:
0011 %   - data: DNSim data structure (see dsSimulate)
0012 %   - options:
0013 %     'time_limits': in units of data.time {[beg,end]}
0014 %     'varied': specification of search space subset to retrieve (see NOTE 1)
0015 %
0016 % Notes:
0017 % - NOTE 1: 'varied' can be specified in two ways:
0018 %   - Method 1: a way similar to 'vary' in dsSimulate and
0019 %     dsVary2Modifications. However, instead of indicating values for a variable to
0020 %     take, 'varied' involves the specification of a range of values. Syntax:
0021 %     vary={object, variable, [low,high]; ...}, where low is the lower bound on
0022 %     the range varied and high is the upper bound for the component varied. For
0023 %     instance, if 'gNa' in population 'E' was varied 0:.1:1 by setting 'vary' to
0024 %     {'E','gNa',0:.1:1}, then to select the subset of gNa values between .3 and
0025 %     .5, set 'varied' to {'E','gNa',[.3 .5]}.
0026 %   - Method 2: 'varied' can be specified using the resulting component name
0027 %     stored in data.varied. e.g., {'E_iNa_gNa',[.3 .5]}.
0028 %
0029 % - NOTE 2: if 'varied' values are requested and not a two-element array (e.g.,
0030 %   [.3 .5]), then return all matching values.
0031 %
0032 % Examples:
0033 %   % return simulated data from 20-80ms
0034 %   data=dsSelect(data,'time_limits',[20 80]);
0035 %   % return data sets with gNa set between .3 and .5
0036 %   data=dsSelect(data,'varied',{'E','gNa',[.3 .5]});
0037 %   data=dsSelect(data,'time_limits',[20 80],'varied',{'E','gNa',[.3 .5]});
0038 %   data=dsSelect(data,'roi',{'E_v',[1 4]});
0039 %
0040 % TODO:
0041 %   - Specify subsets to return in terms of ROIs: {'E',1:50;'I',1:10,'F',[]}
0042 %     (exclude F) (default all cells for any pops not specified in ROIs).
0043 %   - Possible format for specifying range_varied:
0044 %     {'E','gNa',[.1 .3]; 'I->E','tauI',[15 25]; 'I','mechanism_list','+iM'}
0045 %
0046 % See also: dsSimulate, dsVary2Modifications, dsImport
0047 %
0048 % Author: Jason Sherfey, PhD <jssherfey@gmail.com>
0049 % Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Sherfey, Boston University, USA
0051 % check inputs
0052 data=dsCheckData(data, varargin{:});
0054 options=dsCheckOptions(varargin,{...
0055   'time_limits',[-inf inf],[],...
0056   'varied',[],[],...
0057   'roi',[],[],...
0058   },false);
0060 % select data sets based on range of varied model components
0061 if ~isempty(options.varied) && isfield(data,'varied')
0062   if size(options.varied,2)==3
0063     % convert into field name (set in dsSimulate:prepare_varied_metadata)
0064     % NOTE: this code is redundant with dsSimulate and dsAnalyze.
0065     % TODO: eliminate redundancy
0066     varied={};
0067     for i=1:size(options.varied,1)
0068       % prepare valid field name for thing varied:
0069       fld=[options.varied{i,1} '_' options.varied{i,2}];
0070       % convert arrows and periods to underscores
0071       fld=regexprep(fld,'(->)|(<-)|(-)|(\.)','_');
0072       % remove brackets and parentheses
0073       fld=regexprep(fld,'[\[\]\(\)\{\}]','');
0074       varied{end+1,1}=fld;
0075     end
0076     options.varied=cat(2,varied,options.varied(:,3));
0077   end
0078   if size(options.varied,1)>1
0079     error('at present, a range on only one varied parameter can be specified per call to dsSelect.');
0080   end
0081   if ~ismember(options.varied{1,1},data(1).varied)
0082     error('varied parameter not found in data.varied');
0083   end
0084   % collect info on parameters varied in data
0085   varied=data(1).varied;
0086   num_varied=length(varied); % number of model components varied across simulations
0087   num_sims=length(data);
0088   % collect info on parameters varied
0089   param_mat=zeros(num_sims,num_varied); % values for each simulation
0090   for j=1:num_varied
0091     if isnumeric(data(1).(varied{j}))
0092       param_mat(:,j)=[data.(varied{j})]; % sims x varied
0093     else
0094       % TODO: handle sims varying non-numeric model components
0095       % (eg, mechanisms) (also in dsPlot)
0096     end
0097   end
0098   % find element of 'varied' whose range has been requested
0099   desired_param=options.varied{1,1};
0100   desired_range=options.varied{1,2};
0101   index=find(ismember(data(1).varied,desired_param));
0102   % find simulations with varied values in desired range
0103   if length(desired_range)==2
0104     sel=find(param_mat(:,index)>=desired_range(1)&param_mat(:,index)<=desired_range(2));
0105   else
0106     sel=find(ismember(param_mat(:,index),desired_range));
0107   end
0108   % select the desired subset of data sets
0109   data=data(sel);
0110 end
0112 % % recursively call dsSelect if more than one data set
0113 % if length(data)>1
0114 %   for i=1:length(data)
0115 %     data(i)=dsSelect(data(i));
0116 %   end
0117 %   return;
0118 % end
0120 for s=1:length(data)
0121   % select time subset from state variables and monitors
0122   time=data(s).time;
0123   seltime=time>=options.time_limits(1) & time<=options.time_limits(2);
0124   for i=1:length(data(s).labels)
0125     data(s).(data(s).labels{i})=data(s).(data(s).labels{i})(seltime,:);
0126   end
0127   % select cell subset
0128   if iscell(options.roi)
0129     for i=1:size(options.roi,1)
0130       if isfield(data,options.roi{i,1})
0131         dat=data(s).(options.roi{i,1});
0132         inds=1:size(dat,2);
0133         borders=options.roi{i,2};
0134         sel=inds>=borders(1)&inds<=borders(end);
0135         data(s).(options.roi{i,1})=dat(:,sel);
0136       end
0137     end
0138   end
0139 end
0141 % TODO: select subset from time-varying post-processed results
0142 if isfield(data,'results')
0143   % get time vectors: time_(*) with * matching matching names in data.results
0144   % ...
0146 end

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